Tips On Keeping a Traffic-Friendly Website

Traffic-Friendly Website

Tips On Keeping a Traffic-Friendly Website

While any name-brand web hosting service offers digital marketing and SEO services, there are some simple common-sense tips which anyone can follow to at least get on the radar as far as the World Wide Web is concerned. In addition, once you’re set up with the initial traffic optimization, there are things you can do to ensure that your website keeps growing. These tips will both ensure that your website appeals to both visitors and search engines alike.

Have Plenty of Content

It is very difficult to optimize a site for a search engine when there’s almost nothing on that site. And by content we usually mean *writing*. Written text is still the main thing that search engines see – after all it’s what web searchers type into Google to find your site in the first place. So remember, just images or just having Flash won’t do the job. You should at least be able to have a couple of paragraphs on a page explaining what your site is for.

Follow Internet Standards

Search engines prefer to crawl sites which adhere to standards. While it is difficult to have a site be 100% in compliance, the better you follow good mark-up standards, the better. Check your HTML, XHTML, CSS, and RSS with the relevant W3C services, and check back periodically to make sure that your site is still easy for search engines to navigate.

Market Yourself

Every day that you have a website, you should be thinking of what you can do to promote your website. Do all of your business partners and family know about it? Are you joining social media like Facebook, Twitter, Meebo, or MySpace, and if so is your website in your profile? And while you shouldn’t link-spam your site to social news websites, it is perfectly acceptable to post a link to a section of your site if it’s particularly relevant to a forum topic. You can also submit your site to good quality, genre specific directories, such as Slinky Directory.

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4 SEO Techniques That Will be Effective

SEO Techniques

The world of digital marketing is an ever evolving space. The necessity of having a good presence in the online world is imperative for businesses today so that they can enjoy continued success. One of the most important aspects to have a good online presence is the need to generate more traffic from search engines like Google. How can that be achieved? According to the experts at SEO Perth, through Search Engine Optimisation. Search engine algorithms are constantly changing in a bid to improve user experience.

  1. Google RankBrain

Google recently made the announcement about their new RankBrain Algorithm. It is a revolutionary new algorithm which uses AI to power the internet giant’s first ever machine learning algorithm. The ranking that you get using RankBrain is determined by how satisfied the users of Google are with the content you have online.

You should optimize your website for Google RankBrain as it is one of the three key signals that indicate a good SEO ranking according to Google. For instance, you can look to optimize your website for RankBrain by improving the CTR (click through rate). The easiest way to improve your CTR is by adding numbers to the title and description tag. People feel more inclined to click on links with content that contains a number.

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